Charms Rank 1

Charms Rank 1
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 1 / 3
Prereqs: 3 Power Points
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Charms is the magic of interfering with your opponents mind. From dazzling them with lights, to convincing them you’re a trusted ally. The flash of magic when charms are cast is Yellow.


Special Rules for the Charms School:

Any Charm spell can be removed by its caster. The caster must touch the target of the spell and say, “I Release You From (name of spell).” Charm spells do not cease their effects if the caster falls unconscious or is in any stage of their Death Count.

The Enslave and Dominate spells are incompatible spells. If a character already has one of these spells cast on them and another spell is cast, the spell that uses the greater number of Power Points takes precedence. If a character has one of these spells cast on them and the same spell is cast on them again, the more recently cast spell takes precedence. Also, you cannot command someone to do something they cannot do; for example, you cannot order a character to resist a Speak the Truth spell if they could not normally resist it; you can cast a Resist Suggestion and order the character to use it. Similarly, you cannot order a person to use a Slay skill on someone if they do not have the skill or have already used it during that Tag Cycle.

Remember, a character can never be forced through the use of these spells to lose permanent pool points, Body Points or skills.

Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: I Command You to…

  • …Fumble <right/left hand>.        1 Power Point      Instant.
    • This spell causes the target character to drop everything in-game they are holding in a specified hand. The target must let go completely, allowing all the items in that hand to fall to the ground. The caster of the Fumble must specify which hand is affected with an out-of-game comment when the spell packet hits the target; e.g., “I Command You to Fumble… Right Hand”.
    • If an item is attached to a character by some means other than a physical grip, then that item is not dropped; for example, a sword that is glued to a character’s hand with a Paste of Stickiness would stay in the character’s hand even though the character releases their grip. The Disarm skill cannot be used as a Retain against the Fumble spell.
    • If you are the target of a Fumble spell, then after you have let go of everything you are holding in one hand, you may then bend down and pick it up. You may not bend down, let your hand relax, then immediately grab an item and straighten up. You must let everything in your hand drop, and then bend down to pick it up.


  • Speak the Truth.     2 Power Points    One Question or 5 Minutes, Whichever Comes First.
    • This spell causes the targeted character’s answer to the next question the caster – and only the caster – asks to be direct and truthful; the target can choose not to speak, but if they do speak it must be the truthful answer to the caster’s question. If the caster does not ask a question before 5 minutes have elapsed, the spell expires. Only the caster of the spell can ask the question; the target can still respond to questions from others but the target does not have to speak the truth.
    • Speak the Truth only lasts for the first sentence of an answer to the question. If the question is phrased in such a way that a simple answer can be given, then the target must state the simple, true answer. If the question is phrased such that only a long answer can be given, then the caster should only trust the first sentence. For example, “Did you kill the Duke?” has a simple answer; “What was your plan to kill the Duke?” may take more than a single sentence to answer.

Charms Rank 2
Charms Rank 3
Charms Rank 4
Charms Rank 5

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